A tribute to the forest, its plants, flowers, berries, and trees, because without them we would not exist.
Vuoden Kaunein Sormus 2023 finalisti.Siniset kukat seuranaan timantteja, helmiä, valko- ja keltakultaa.
Did you know that some butterflies can travel thousands of miles? The long migration is made easier by suitable weather and winds.
Everyone who has spent time in nature knows that forests conceal peace, deep wisdom and the most beautiful things. These also include the magnificent dragonflies, with a history approximately a hundred times as long as that of the modern man.
The water cycle is fascinating, with its rain, waterfalls, lakes and seas. Under the surface, there is more life than we know...
Herkästi erilainen. Sormuksessa on aitoja kukkia sekä Akoya-helmiä.Kuvissa erilaisia vaihtoehtoja. Kysythän lisää.
The wind brings rain to the continents, spreads seeds, and evens out differences in temperature. A commonplace phenomenon, but so important.
Kaunis ja herkän tunnelman luova filigraanisormus, joka hurmaa muutkin kuin vain kantajansa.