These earrings will remind you of refreshing rain. Maybe it will rain onto your shoulders, flow into the waterfall pendant, and end up in the seas in the ring?
The leaves from plants and trees are an important part of the cycle of nature. They fill the world with colour and create the oxygen that is vital for all living things. And of course they are also beautiful.
All things, both living and inanimate, are in constant movement and flow, even if we don’t notice it. The wind, as well as water, are perhaps the best symbols of this.
Köynnös-filigraanikorvakorut ovat samaan aikaan ryhdikkäät ja aistikkaat, kätkien sisälleen somasti ja sopivasti timantteja.
Kaikki kukkasarjan korut sopivat myös jokapäiväiseen käyttöön, kuten nämä kauniit korvakorut.